Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Sunday, April 29, 2018
The Nighttime
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Fetishized Sadness
I Can’t Tell
I Can’t Tell;you’ll never know unless you try,you’ve never actually lived if you’re afraid to die,to truly know me is to love me,but to hate me is to not understand me,my biggest fear is not accomplishing enough while I’m here,my biggest flaw is not doing all that I can to make that happen. Yeah so;does any of this really matter in the grand scheme of things,I mean on my path,my journey,my final destination;I know,but I’m not sorry,but I gotta keep thinking ambition, honesty, and positive attitude while remaining humble,I’m no psychic,there’s already a destiny,but I can’t tell
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Reoccurring Life Events
ππΎReoccurring instances in life;moments which we relive periodically for whatever reason.Playing videos on YouTube and ran across this song;this song;I remember listening to this song just before finding out that my sis,my best friend had passed away not long after finding out that she had cancer,at one point we were sitting and talking before she actually found out that it was actually cancer she asked me for a hug and I laughed it off and told her that she was going to be okay,if I had any notion that things were going to end so abruptly I would have hugged her tight and never let go,I never prayed like I prayed that she would recover,still brings me to tears,but this is no pity party post though,we’ve all lost loved ones,have a story to tell,some tragic,painful,this is but a percentage or chapter of my book,but this is about remembrance of our loved ones that suffered untimely deaths;feel free to leave a comment about someone who you may want to pay tribute to
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Health Awareness; Healthy Living, A Healthier Life, Checking In With Yourself
Monday, April 16, 2018
Oops, Did I Do That..
Emotional Support
Saturday, April 14, 2018
It Is What It Is..
Sometimes real shit be hard to swallow, but all I’m saying is your real people is your real people,I’m into the least amount of complication,if I deal with you then I deal with you,the type to keep up bs,you be on the garbage , playing those games , wrapped up in yo shit thinking that everybody else out here don’t have issues or they own shit going on,sometimes time is all you have to offer,and even that’s limited,must be hard living in a world of only one,solid is solid and they come to the show when it’s selling out,but when you just coming with yourself you’ll see where everything stands thenπ€π€π€π€π€π€
Thats Just Too Much Man...
Personas are exhausting,fighting never ending battles are exhausting,trying to over talk a talker is exhausting,I’m just thinking of running a race that never ends.. if I let someone feel like they’ve “won” will I have peace of mind;on another page,shit man I’m tired of these females out here thinking that they got the ability,the right to have these above all snotty ass diva mentalities just because some thirsty ass lame dude keeps filling their heads with fake words of admiration to get in;head all above the clouds and shit,I mean I got enough issues of my own to worry about,my own ego complications that I need to fix myself and don’t have the time to be babysitting nobody else’s kids or they feelings, setbacks,hangups or flaws;I mean it’s overwhelming,and quite frankly I just don’t have the emotional capacity nor the patience to take on that kind of responsibility;that’s just too much man...
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Who The Fk Are You?!?!?!
The Fall Back
The Fall Back: You my fall back,my plan b,my something to do when I’m bored,lonely,in need of somebody to talk to or have nothing to do, I call on you;you’ll see my passion for realism knows no bounds,but honestly,you probably do the same thing to me so fall back
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Yeah So; you really think that you’re shit don’t stink???
Friday, April 6, 2018
Illuminati, Illuminotme;Propaganda, Protocols , People, Power
I’m going to start this post off by quoting something from 2pac and that’s “only the real people know this some of the realist stuff that I ever wrote” so there really is never any protocol for most of the stuff that I write,just to make you think I guess;many of us are constantly looking,seeking a source for enlightenment,knowledge,answers to what we think we cannot understand,reasons for everything. We look to leaders for guidance,dwell on the insufficient,and chase the superficial. I’m here to say today that most of this if not all is bullshit!;there are infinite options on everything from A to Z so tell me how the hell can you place merit on any specific one; everyone and everything has a process or protocol once again that’s from A to Z,control is a very strong and powerful word,currency,policy,law,you really think that you need someone or something to decide who you are,what you are,how you should live and so on?the mind controls everything about you;your will,your way. Leaders;president who? man don’t get me wrong respect is a given to me so I will not disrespect another persons being,until I’m disrespected and even then there’s a protocol for that,but acknowledgement is earned,I don’t care who you are;and pardon me but fk your heritage or lineage when it concerns the fate and well being of a mass majority of people,a black president means nothing personally if my life doesn’t change,everything is social man;this is all entertainment on some level,there has been and continue to be a system,protocol if you will for everything,nothing happens for no reason,the *leverage* sees to that. Racism is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing,one human being fighting against another because of their differences in appearance,that’s some of the most pathetic crap ever. Gay this,gay that,men becoming women,women becoming men,ok so when did we get to the point where we became Gods?the word ego;back to the word control;instead of value we seek devalue,destruction of life,humanity,why is that not so important,destroying the structure of our being,choices being made by people who could give a shit less about anything other than personal interest and agendas and no regard to life if you don’t fit protocol.Oh,and this Illuminati bs; please shut the fk up already! Why try to blow up something so insufficient;if someone is that stupid to put themselves into such a ridiculous situation then that’s on that dumb ass.Distracted by this cesspool of false empowerment,seeking self worth in making fools of ourselves. To be a hypocrite means to clearly say one thing then to do the total opposite. I’m the same person everyday,sometimes harsh,sometimes rude,sometimes indecisive,sometimes cynical, sometimes sarcastic,but consistent,you know who I am,but that’s the point,be who you are,we don’t need another hero,just more people willing to change the status quo
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Sad Songs;A Underdogs View π’ππ»
The underdog;a word that I’m very familiar with. The ones who despite their efforts seem to fall short,you know,get looked over for that promotion,someone stealing your thunder,thoughts or ideas,missing that big break,negative forces trying to hold you back etc. Now a lot of you won’t associate yourself with that word because of your egos or feelings of inadequacy,but me I really don’t care; but seriously no one wants to claim that title, but despite that we all had to start somewhere,well not all of us,there are exceptions to that. You don’t understand me;you don’t respect what I have to say;well it’s probably because you can’t relate to reality,realistically challenged,I don’t need to fit in,or validation to speak my mind,but I’ll admit it does feel good when my words hit marks,but seriously though that’s why I stepped out of that line,I speak for the ones who get tired of the pretentious pretenders,they get it. Honestly it gets tiresome sometimes,but I’d rather push on with the notion that my day is coming than just give up,following and existing. Of course most won’t push these words because they are not status quo,but surprisingly to most that won’t these words probably have the most significance towards.We can’t all have it all,but we can damn sure break the cycle of trying to break each other down and put forth effort and try. If I don’t do anything,I’d love to be remembered for something,you get my dilemma π€¨π€
Monday, April 2, 2018
The Search, The Casual Encounters, & Meeting Someone
Please,don’t make this weird;we’re both here looking,searching for that something;that something which completes us,intrigues is,holds our attention,meets our expectations realistic or not,casual conversation,connections which eventually leads to physical encounters,experiences,moments which may or may not lead to something substantial,rolling those dice,being honest and forthcoming in your endeavors of the heart,we ALL need affection,someone to communicate with,though our opinions and preferences may differ there’s always tact,the act of being respectful. So many people,options,characteristics;keep to those values,but also keep an open mind,staying open the possibilities,the clocks always ticking,but your quality of life depends on how you choose to live,because no matter how,who or what you encounter,your happiness solely depends upon your choicesπ»XOXO