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Sunday, May 24, 2015
Did You?
Did you even take time to listen to that full argument or statement that was being made before you cut that person off to make your point? Did you just commit that crime knowing that you're guilty,and had the nerve to expect sympathy afterwards? Did you just do those drugs then wonder why when you applied for that job,failed that drug test and couldn't get hired?Did you just get drunk,hop behind the wheel of that car and kill that little kid,someones sister,brother,mother,father?Were you the one crying about how unfair life is,took that weapon and decided to commit suicide or unleashed your fucked up issues onto the outside world just to make everyone else suffer with you?was that you walking around putting on that show pretending to be something that you know wasn't you just to impress or in fear that the rest of the world would not approve or pass judgment on you for being yourself ? Did you know that if you were truly religious marriage(a sacred vow made before God bonding a woman and man together till death)would hold more value than it does,we would know that religious beliefs should be universal,and in that should be a common ground somewhere amongst all..?Did you know that we are not animals but human beings and that being able to talk and work things out is not a sign of weakness or loosing,but just proves that fact?Did you know that persons situation,background,inflictions before you began to immediately look down on them? Did you make a valid effort before you just gave up on that?Did you make it all the way through this without getting pissed dissecting my words,or making up some lame ass excuse why you did,probably not..but if you did that's good
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