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Monday, May 4, 2015
Wtf do you do when your child just doesn't seem to see the bigger picture😤😔
Today my son was arrested..for what?taking someone's cellphone.Now if its not already bad enough we are already going through a bunch of other stuff that I won't get deep into. How does a positive effort turn into more negative bs? I have no clue,this was supposed to be an effort to keep him motivated to do good,keep his mind off of negative things & also to keep him active.Not only does he manage to get into trouble,but he does it right under my nose,because I sit with him through his practices.Now the overly positive attitude to have would be to say,oh it's not my fault,there's nothing that i could've done about it & im doing the best that I can..or let reality set in & get pissed about it & the fact that I'm extremely exhausted & exhausting almost every tactic that I can think of to get through to this kid & nothing's working or changing. Hey,you can always take the barbarian way and club them over the head a few times..nah,don't need social services on your ass for child abuse right,lol at that one. I've come a long way from the philosophy that I use to have on the word parenting and believe me it's not the in line one sided crap that the masses push on us because we're all happy until it's our kid on the news for killing us,murder,sexual assault,drug trafficking,etc. right. Best put,you can instill all of the junk that we're taught builds character,or step out of the line and individually give our child our own practical and also practiced views,because really,we are made to take care of *our*kids,held responsible for everything that *our* kids do,then governed on our methods of parenting *our* kids.. hmmm,sounds like to me we have no control at all. Okay,so I'll just keep trying,remembering that everyones situation is different and that me doing my best is the best that I can do,keep pushing positive statements in his ear,keep pushing participation as well as personality and promote plus enforce consequences for poor choices and hold faith that that'll be enough pull him through
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