Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Meanwhile...Holding To The Traditional Spirit
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The Evil Within
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Dating;The Perfect One;The Ugly Truth
Saturday, November 4, 2017
I can’t hear you if you’re not saying anything
Monday, October 23, 2017
The Art Of Losing Weight,Losing Weight,Fast Weight Loss
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Check In
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
That’s Not Good Business
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Salvation,Redemption Or Self Gratification In The End?
You wake up with a letter stuck to you reading;you now have a limited amount of life/time left so appreciate it;enough to make one last defining decision;one last choice to show yourself;but your options are limited as well,and every other option disappears once you've made your choice;and they are religion/repentance/seek salvation,a cellphone which only has enough time to make one phone call,tweet,status post,message etc.,the option to wire one million cash to anyone of your choice to make their life better,and the option to have one last attempt at a sexual moment with someone. So,what would you do? How would you define yourself? oh yeah,and you also have to option to pass what's left of your life on to someone else who can use it better/ than you,the ultimate sacrifice which holds no restrictions.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Deal With It
Thursday, September 7, 2017
A Time To See The Inevitable
There comes a time in everyone's life where they become faced with the dilemma of whether to keep the belief that someone or something is going to change,turn around end differently than its present state; & no matter how much optimism,faith,or whatever it is that you tell yourself or believe will eventually happen the truth,proof,small traces of evidence pointing towards what you'd hope wasn't going to be the outcome.. and now at this point facing facts,though difficult is the only thing left to do. Thanks for reading and feel free enough to share your comments and hit that follow button as well
Friday, August 25, 2017
In My Dreams
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Fiverr Gigs Available Social Media-Website Traffic-Twitter Marketing
Monday, August 14, 2017
Cellphone Facing Up,Cellphone Facing Down
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Money Talks Bullsh** Walks
Don't get me wrong,money does make the world go round; but If you're counting my pockets to decide whether to hear what I have to say then you probably really wouldn't hear me anyway.. if money's what's talking & bull**** what's walking then that's probably why your moves are directed/walking towards anything concerning that & not the contents attached. I say give me poor wisdom over rich ignorance any day,it lasts longer;besides,I'd prefer someone that could give me insight on how to acquire what they have & not only that how to maintain/keep it. If "A fool and his or her money are soon parted" give me currency knowledge and not a ignorant handout
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Dont Forget;Savor The Moments
Question; if I spend too much time trying to figure out how,when does the time come to actually do something about it🤔 Everything can't always be a beginning and ending,sometimes the middle makes it all worth while don't you think
Friday, August 11, 2017
Crabs In A Barrel
It amazes me how we walk around thinking that we the shit,better than each other,get a little something or a little ahead and forget all those who may have been there,helped or supported us along the way. There is no such things as loyalty,honor,morality when it involves money ,women etc. Truthfully all acquired is pointless if you can't really enjoy it. Nobody wants to be around someone with the idea that they're above you,throwing you scraps so to speak,that person that's too scared that you don't need them if they're your equal,always flaunting their possessions,accomplishments in your face. I don't know about you but this crap in a barrel mentality is bs to me because we have to power to change. No situation has to be negative even if it's so called what we are use to! I'm sick of hearing the bs statement " I don't think that that person would have chosen to live that way,chosen to be that type of person if their circumstances were different. That's one thing that we do have is choices..good,bad,right,wrong,left,right,backwards,forward. In all consciousness I think I'd prefer to see someone else succeed along side me rather than to make them feel inferior,it seems to work out much better when everyone is happy and not just me,meaning I'd rather surround myself with people that are all on the same level rather than above or below me. If I have why shouldn't you? I'm no fool so I won't support you,but will help you to help yourself so that we can both be successful.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
just because you don't act on your sexual impulses,fantasies,cheating thoughts,desires, doesn't mean that you're better than anyone. It only means that you had enough willpower to suppress those urges. Timing is everything right.. Now,do I want a woman or man that actually cheats? Or do I want a woman or man that only thinks about it but never actually acts on those thoughts? It's such a tough choice, but I don't really want either.. too bad we can't read minds huh. Comments?
Saturday, July 29, 2017
You may or may not know??? #TrendThis2GetThis campaign on #Twitter
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Could You Do This?!?!?! Confessions Time
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Masturbation & Clarity
stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure. I'm not saying that you should masturbate day and night 24-7.. but In my opinion I have found that a lot of clarity comes from a good manual release otherwise commonly known to most as masturbation.Also referred to as rubbing one off,choking the chicken, corking the bat, cranking the shank,fisting your mister,jerkin'the gherkin,pocket pinball, pocket pool, polishing the knob,flick the bean,polishing the rocket, pounding your flounder,roping the pony, spanking the monkey, teasing the weasel,whipping the willy,yanking the crank,rub one off,jack off,Jill off,dropping the kids off at the pool and countless others that I can't think of at the moment. Anyhew lets get back on topic, so it's been my insight that when my brain gets cluttered with a bunch of unsavory thoughts due to lack of physical intimacy,you know that urge to make hasty decisions based on thinking with that head with no brain a simpler and less costly solution which is masturbation leads me to an instant level of clarity. Now I can't speak for others only voice my opinion on the subject which is why I love insight from my readers so please feel free to comment and share. Oh,before I close this out I wanted to make one more point.. when we're horny we tend to make a lot of bad choices..Not Everyone! such as infidelity,same sex hookups,bad sexual partners,spending money for sex as well. Mentally you're prepared to deal with those thoughts better if they are not the basis of your thought process. I think masturbation can also alter your mood in general as well.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
A Motivational Moment
Sometimes in life you'll have to cut ties to the ugly negatives in your past no matter how heartless it may seem in order to reach the beautiful positives & possibilities. Say it with me readers if you've been in a position that brings understanding to this post. I am now free! no longer will your negative,vindictive,spiteful critical and also hypocritical mannerisms hold me bound.
Monday, July 10, 2017
The Movie Experience
Movies take you to a place that you could never imagine,but it takes imagination and a will to go beyond your core thinking,beyond what you think is expected of you and let go,allow yourself to be taken for a ride,a ride full of surprises ,suspense,enlightenment,enchantment,mystery,wonder which we'd never experience otherwise. Movies gives us a chance to see that which would never be possible. A chance to escape the everyday life,world ,sometimes monotonous situations which bound us. To really love movies is to feel,experience,embrace,enjoy to journey in which each one takes you for moments whether true or false are still in fact memorable. I love movies
Saturday, June 24, 2017
The Art Of Internet,The Era Of The Viral Video
I'm just sitting here bored playing on my iPhone social media surfing,watching all these posts ,these videos and I have to say that it has become a major issue, a flood of goofy ass individuals thinking that because you have a smart phone it's time to upload a video of themselves sharing their philosophical gibberish,their sick sense of humor,violence,sexual innuendos etc. in hopes to get their likes,notoriety of whatever.Now don't get me wrong,some things tend to make a lot of sense,but there's way more ignorance and bs due to the ease of access and the desire to become the next viral sensation.Today everyone wants to be a damn video/internet sensation,a damn voice of the people.. I say this to only open eyes,not everyone is a leader but anyone can pull out a smart device and record some shit upload it and get views,so when you're liking shit you see online might be a good thing to not just go off the sediment that "oh that which was just said,done really appeals to me or sounds good so I'll like or share this. The internet is just that,the internet.. you can pretty much say/do anything and the ignorance of others will take it from there.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
It Was Always You..

Making A Difference
If I don't see any results to back the inspirational talk it's just taking. Sitting back thinking on wise words spoken,promises broken,claims then reclaiming,searching for yourself in another's life,dreams deferred,living dreams not reality,clouded between the truth and fallacy. Is it really that hard to stand behind your words? follow through with what you say?take time from preaching about things and actually practice them for a change? change the mentality of exile by difference? Everyone wants to be the voice of reason until it means actually reasoning with reality🤔 how does one lead by example?make a difference without being different?see things for what they really are without opening up their eyes,huh..
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Sex Appeal
Pull that g string to the side baby can I take a glance? This isn't romance,well maybe a little,if touching your body in all the right ways,a little caressing, a little kissing,dare I say I want a hug after we've fucked,but let me slow it down because I'm getting ahead of myself. A quick mind fuck,but never mind games,I know you've been approached by many lames,many suckers by many names,but not here babe,no babe that's not me,cruel intentions,well maybe some,but my some is to leave your body numb,hurt so good,it's possible,the possibilities are endless,love limitless,sexual assault with your sexual consent you feel me,and that's exactly what I want you to do,feel me,the real me,the realness as I give you the business,every stroke,thrust penetrates deeper as shit gets deeper,this isn't child's play,none of that bunny rabbit shit here,you hear me knocking?well let me inside,not just one door,I plan to come from every entry,mouth,p**** and ass,don't laugh.. things that make you think,so how about that drink?,how about we get real?,some grown an sexy shit,flix and chill...so how about it?
Monday, May 29, 2017
💔To Know Me Is To Love Me💔
I write..I write about things that I see,hear,sometimes things that I go through,or tell someone else's story. Now that being said,I'm only me..one mans thoughts and opinions about shit from A to Z,so you can either take it in or blow it off your choice. One of my biggest issues with character is assumption because a large percentage of the time the shit you assumed was wrong. I'm not super educated,super smart nor do I possess a bunch of degrees either,but I do possess a thing called common sense and the common knowledge of understanding🤔.. so...I was having this conversation with someone recently and their mind frame really threw me, I was told that I am harsh,narcissistic,mean and an angry 😡 person. Well.. while partially true, my opinions won't change unless you have a legitimate idea which contradicts that,we all want to feel sheltered,validated,the comfort that the things we are doing make sense or justified,but everything isn't and truth is not everyone is going to share my feelings,thoughts,show compassion just because I feel like I should have that,get emotional just because I'm in that place. We would all like to think that everything and everyone can be categorized or evaluated by one thought process but to me assuming that makes sense sounds ridiculous. We all show affection,caring,emotion in different ways,and the way that one person perceives or chooses to analyze you is just that, one persons point of view. "In order to know someone,you have to know someone,no amount of literature nor training can fully understand ones character that takes interaction and patience"
Sunday, May 28, 2017
What Were You Thinking?
I want to start this off by saying Get Over Yourself! I mean it doesn't get any vainer than this.I'm so tired of adjusting to the way that things have changed at the hands of social media & the way that a large percentage of people view male and female relationships. I mean the other day I saw a profile on one of these social media sites of a person that I vaguely know so I decided to friend request her, and it was just that,a friend request.. so, the point of this is to say that anyone that thinks they're that important or even wanted in that manner should take a step back,re-evaluate said thought process and then come again. I'm sure it's hard to believe that everyone doesn't want you,you're not attractive to everyone,and every guy that seeks friendship is trying to get with you. I'm not going to say that the era of text,online dating,social media websites hasn't severely affected the way that people interact towards each other,but there are still people out that have a different perspective on companionship,friends,sex,and generally how to treat people with respect.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Online Dating,
Free Online Dating,Internet Dating,Social Media Sites,What can I say,it's ALL a big joke.. you have to see the humor in it..
Missed Connection
Never wait on that person or thing to come to you,because chances are that it will probably never happen.Say what you need to say,do what you need to do. Let down is one of the number one causes of missed connections. I don't want to feel some type of way after placing my heart on my sleeve or going for something and it doesn't go the way that I'd like. I say this because I too have missed out on a lot of things because of this so I decided to speak on it. Feel free to vent that missed connection in your life or just comment,share etc.
Friday, March 17, 2017
The Silver Lining
Friday, February 24, 2017
A different perspective on this
Take a minute and think about it..how many times have we have given up something amazing just because we let egos,feelings,he say she say bs,assumptions, some secretly jealous association get in the way? I'm here to say that it's not worth it..live and be happy doing it,fk what people think,say because there will always be critical ass people no matter what you do and you will never be right no matter how hard you try to fit into societies perfect little box
Sunday, February 12, 2017
A day in the life/Taking In The Moments
Sitting here..sitting here just thinking,thinking about all of the things that were said,going through my texts trying to piece shit together..but it all comes back to this,this place,this place that I never want to see,never want to go. What's the value of a phone call,value of a few minutes of your time,a minute out of busy ass schedule to show that you care,disappearing acts,all the psychological games what's to gain? winners,losers all of these labels and no,no resolution,no reality,no truth,no consciousness of actions,there's always losers.. never win hurting someone that you bond with,care about,or value,but what do you really want,really need,just have to have it?for one minute,one hour,one month,one year..what do you want? Is this solid?seeking substance...to be continued..to be continued on to what?where?where do we go from here ?if what is up must come,does it have to come down so far,is there a middle ground,a happy medium. Time passes,things happen,things get lost in translation,things get forgotten. Still..for a moment,man I love those moments..thinking back with a smile,hopefully there's more to come
Monday, February 6, 2017
Options also make the world go round wouldn't you agree?they control our actions in so many ways. If the,or a certain option isn't there,then we do or choose from what's available at that time true?Let's think,some of the things that we do we probably wouldn't if we did not have the option to do whatever that thing may be. So many of my choices have been based on my options available at that time. Now it doesn't take an hour long post to make a point,so short and simple..options are just that,options..they are just there to defer, there's still sound judgement required
Thursday, January 26, 2017
My Hearts Desire
First I want to say that without God as the center of any relationship it will never work. The love of my life has to be out there somewhere.. Big hugs,great smile,and awesome lover,someone that I can't wait to see when we're apart,loves me with all her heart,inseparable beings sharing & caring thru the best & worst times overcoming ALL obstacles together. Playing games,playing the field is not my thing, my heart can only belong to that one special person.