BIG;chasing the things that we can’t have is the reason they we’re not catching the things that we can.I’m sure you’re familiar with the rants,I can’t find a good man,good woman;is there anyone real out there; I’m tired of the bs and games right. Yeah so;at some it might be a good idea to do some self evaluation as well. In my opinion real attracts real,yes there will be some garbage that slips in every now and then,but overall your personality,your character,how you carry yourself,people live by perception, and trust me I for one go by what you put out there. No lie,we love the nasty talk,the slut dressing,the branded mentality,most live outside their means trying to create a persona, but guess what,in the grand scheme of things what does that really accomplish. The things that you want are definitely different than the things that you actually need. Most spend their whole life crying about how they are getting screwed over in life when it’s that fucked up energy that they themselves are putting out. It takes work to build anything,and everything starts with a solid foundation,real life is that you’re probably not as much of the shit as you think you are. We should always value ourselves,but there becomes a time when that hand is over played. When you knowingly make shitty decisions then the outcome isn’t a surprise so stop playing the victim in your own selfishness,self destructive behavior for real. Yes there are some awesome ass people out there,and the universe constantly puts them in your path so stop being an ass and pay attention and accept that. It’s hard to tunnel it when some of the most beautiful things come in the shittiest packaging

Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Guidelines And My Current Mindset
My outlook on the Bible and everyone’s opinions and suggestions should be taken in as guidelines.The human mind and body are a infinite wonder,which needs to be nurtured and properly treated,but everyone wants to be the one to break the code when it’s impossible seeing as how we didn’t create it. I’m learning so much involving health from various people and things that I’ve experienced firsthand,I tend to use myself as a guinea pig to see what works best for me and everyone else as guidelines as well as the Bible. My current mindset I will be creating a calorie deficit week for week for a month by fasting 48 hours,juicing 24 hours and salads for 96 hours and see where that leads me so,to be continued..
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Gratitude, Coping, Misperception, Labeling
Since the beginning of time man has been trying to come up with ways to adjust,adapt to things going on around them and that still remains the same till this day. We all feel the need to do things that help us to manage day to day,and I won’t get into what that may because we all know what that is individually. I’ve been A sexual as people may refer to it now for almost three years,by choice,soul searching,trying to align my mind,body and spirit. I want to thank all the people that have contacted me through my chat,personal messages,and that I have actually talked with,but some get communication confused with their personal wants and needs.We should be able to touch,adore,listen and be a shoulder to lean on without backlash from sharing positive energy/vibes. There’s nothing wrong with it,but I’ve never gotten degrees or fancy titles,but before any of that existed we used the simple tools that we had to exist. Common sense goes a long way and common curtesy is like currency to me
Monday, January 27, 2020
A Thin Line Between Love & Hate
Damn.. so many good people are sadly gone too soon😔What’s that saying;”The Good Die Young”it’s so sad that there can’t be grief without turmoil.We see and hear what we want to without facts,fueled by impulse it’s easier to just hate something rather than to figure it out,but love and understanding has far more beneficial values, but msnbc reporter Alison Morris did not use the #nword man,and we seriously need to stop this bs and unify collectively with a solution for this fkd up world we living in right now which is partly due to this narrow minded ignorance/thinking. I read a comment on some website and the lady said “you guys always have to play the victim” which is funny because “playing the victim”seems to be an epidemic with so many people of every race,gender these days.The type of war we’re looking for will only lead to one outcome,the destruction of humanity.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
let’s see if they get it
First off I want to say that you’ll take this how you want to,it started off with me posting an update on my weight loss journey but evolved into something different. Jumping right in,fk how you feelings,your political views,your opinions,your suggestions,your religion,your love,your criticism and any other feelings or emotions when it comes to my sanity and well being,if I like you that’s not a given so.. if I want to hear what you have to say believe me I’m genuinely interested,note that the only spectacular being is my maker and everyone else is just average,my number one goal is to navigate this existence the best way possible so if you’re not an asset you’re an hinder.Yeah so,enough of that; I’m a suggestive thinker, fk likes or whatever the trend response is,you take it or leave it,the other side of the coin,the what if type,keep your focus,well as much as you can and just try.. if love fails then just like type of shit but.. here’s my weight loss update will post full body a lil later; until then remember Peace Love Unity And Respect always
Friday, January 24, 2020
Shut Up🤐 Shut Out🙅🏾♂️
Sometimes I have to just shut up,shut out and let life push me in the right direction because people will deter you,distract you, steer you in the wrong direction and most of all give out bad advice. Everything will not go as planned,sometimes you just have to improvise,everything will unfold as it should with patience and focus as hard as that may seem
Thursday, January 23, 2020
What Is Time Wasted,Time Worth
To me more precious than anything;something that you can never have enough of, you see love comes and goes,money you have it,then you don’t,and even when you’re wealthy it outlives you,time is infinite,but we only exist in it for brief moments,so many find themselves wishing that they had more,while others disregard its value wasting it. Every second,every minute,every hour,every day,every week, every month,every year;how will you spend it
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
That’s How You Feel Questioning Motivation
I don’t believe I’m going for motivation exactly when I speak;I’m living,learning,sharing in real time. Suggestive thinking;I’m sad a lot,happy a lot,taking in the positive,fighting off the negative,loving the shit out of the beautiful characters I’ve been privileged to come in contact with,sincerely apologetic for some shit(my ignorance)but appreciative of it all
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