Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Thursday, December 31, 2020
RIP 2020 Happy New Year 2021
Monday, December 21, 2020
Red Flags Of Dating Females 🚩
Nothing From Nothing
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
There are a lot of things that I want,desire,but very few that I actually need,including you(FYI,no person singled out) you see, while I may hold you dear,admire you and at some point or another maybe even love you,the fact is if you are not for me then I don’t want any parts of you at all,to be a part of my world you must submit yourself to me fully,(it’s all or nothing)you belong to me,total submission. #DomLife
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
For It I Will
Constantly I ask myself why do I even bother,why do I do some of the things that I do,then I say this,anything in this life worth having is worth fighting for,suffering for,sacrificing,giving up what you think is more important for,and spending a lifetime to get it for,time is of the essence, and what else is really living if you think about it. For It I Will,or face facts,you don’t really want it🤔