
Thursday, November 21, 2024

This Is America!!! Hell This Is The World 🌎

There are sooooo many things that I could say about this subject,but just to keep my thoughts short but sweet and straight to the point. Nobody wins when they fight amongst themselves,cut off their hand to spite their face so to speak. Without the little people who put revenue in the pockets of the rich where would they be? there are people who deserve our support,deserve our hard earned money,deserve the credit for contributing to making the world a better place for EVERYONE,and there are some people that need to be humbled by the ones that give them their power to be destructive,counterproductive and menaces to the human race. Fact: There are more people that stand for positivity and equality than all others and truthfully there’s strength in numbers.Until all of the ones that no longer want to be targets of hate,violence,segregation,exploitation,stereotypical behavior then this is what we’re stuck with.